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BROWSING THE SHELVES: The Lemming Condition

A book well-worth rereading and a keeper in my personal library is The Lemming Condition by Alan Arkin, published in 1976. It came into my hands again when COVID restrictions led me (like many others) to do some reorganizing. In

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There are always wonderful new books for us to discover and love. But I hope the amazing, stand-out titles that came before are not allowed to collect dust or be withdrawn from library shelves. I hope they are still being

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Infinite Hope & Ashley Bryan

Veterans Day seems the perfect time to sing praises for Ashley Bryan’s remarkable new release, Infinite Hope: A Black Artist’s Journey from World War II to Peace. Ashley has given us many marvelous books over the years and, in all

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Batter Up! A Salute to Georgie Radbourn

While visiting family in Pittsburgh this summer, I shared memories of Pirate baseball with my brother Billie, specifically the dearly-departed Forbes Field and the 1960 World Series — when Bill Mazeroski hit his Series-winning home run off the opening pitch

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Coretta Scott King Awards – 50 Years Strong!

I just returned from the American Library Association annual conference held this year in Washington D.C. (June 20-25th) where I was lucky enough to participate in many of the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Coretta Scott King Awards. What a

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An Unlikely Blogger Salutes Mr. Steig

Please welcome an unlikely blogger. Those who know the luddite in me are falling off of their chairs with laughter, shaking their heads in disbelief, or cheering for my new-found courage. Old-fashioned soul that I am, I see technology as

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