A few weeks ago, while enjoying a reunion in Connecticut with 12 members of my 2002 Newbery Award Committee, I was reminded of something that I, and I’m sure many of us, often forget — to “stop and smell the roses.”
There’s a lot going on in the world that can create stress if we let it. And it’s easy to get caught up and allow the bad things to bring us down.
It was itself a beautiful spot, but something happened during our first night that felt like a blessing from above – the Northern Lights. The vision was stunning . . . magical. I managed to get some photos but, of course, couldn’t really capture the best of it. The pure beauty was good for my soul. I was reminded of what is important and truly worthy of my attention.
The Lights are a rare sight this far south, but when you look, really look, actually see, the wonders around us every day can take your breath away. A newly opened morning glory. The carefully crafted compartments of a honeycomb. The perfect spiral of a baby’s ear. The intricacy of a spider’s web or snowflake.
Looking back at some of my photos from over the years, I see that, sometimes, I do take notice. I just need to keep looking, seeing.
I know what I will be giving thanks for this November. And I’m going to begin this holiday season by paying closer attention to what makes our world marvelous.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!