Vaunda makes local and national appearances at schools, libraries, conferences, and bookstores. Presentations can be customized to fit your audience.
Programs consist of sharing some of the writing and publishing process, reading from her books (if requested), discussing where she gets ideas for her stories and how she develops them, projecting digital slides of the art from her books and of real people and places on which some of her stories are based, answering questions, and autographing books.
A typical presentation takes 45 minutes to an hour, depending upon the age of the audience and how familiar they are with the books being discussed. Vaunda is also available for longer programs for upper grades and adult audiences.
Vaunda asks that children (and adults) have read or are familiar with some of her work prior to her visit. Audiences will gain more from her visit and better understand the details of what she has to share if they already know the characters and places that she will be discussing. Instead of spending valuable time summarizing the stories, groups can use the time to explore deeper issues and deal with real questions.
Vaunda will be happy to sign books whenever the schedule allows.
If you choose to sell books, you can partner with a local bookstore or go directly through the publishers.
Vaunda’s honorarium is dependent upon the number and length of presentations and travel time. Events can be customized to fit your requests and budget. For more information, contact Julie Ann Hartman at
For more information about Vaunda’s books or to inquire about a school visit or appearance, please visit The Booking Biz.
To obtain multiple copies of Vaunda’s books at discounted prices for author events contact Lerner Publishing Group at 800-328-4929 or Random House at 800-726-0600.